Story Works Round Table

Conversations about stories and the craft of writing with Alida, Kathryn, and Robert.

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SWRT 150 | Art in the Time of Corona

SWRT 150 | Art in the Time of Corona

How soon is too soon to talk about something like the Coronavirus in our fiction? And how is the emotional impact of everything that is going on affecting everyone? How can we use this situation to benefit our craft? And what is the role of fiction in times like these?

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SWRT 148 | Dark Endings part 1

SWRT 148 | Dark Endings part 1

What makes an ending dark? And what is the difference between a dark and a negative ending? How do you craft it so that your readers find it satisfying? We explore how some genres rely more heavily on dark endings, and what the difference is between a dark twist and a truly dark ending.

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SWRT 146 | Dressing Your Character

SWRT 146 | Dressing Your Character

Why should you think about clothing and fashion in your story? Is it just part of your world building and setting? How can you use it to illustrate your characters arc? Or your characters flaws and insecurities? What about when everyone is dressed in a uniform? We dig deep into the choices you can make about fashion and how it can affect every aspect of your story!

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SWRT 144 | Plot Problems…Solved!

SWRT 144 | Plot Problems…Solved!

How do you keep your middle act functioning for your plot? How do you avoid ending your story too early? How should you effectively use subplots? And what about tools like the “try-fail” cycle or the hero’s journey? Alida walks us through how to give your characters the perfect level of problems, and the skills to solve them!

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SWRT 142 | Steampunk with Leeland Artra

SWRT 142 | Steampunk with Leeland Artra

What is the Steampunk genre? How real does your science need to be? And does it have to be set in the Victorian era, and in Victorian society? What sort of plot goals should a Steampunk novel have? And what archetypes do you need in order for it to feel Steampunk? Leeland gives us his tips on the perfect mixture to make a Steampunk novel, and how to get started if you are interested in writing one!

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SWRT 149 | Dark Endings part 2

How does it affect the reader? We explore all sorts of dark endings, including twists, gut punches, and those that leave no hope remaining. The ultimate question you have to ask yourself is how it affects the reader. Because ultimately, if your reader is satisfied, the ending can be as dark as you want it to be!

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SWRT 147 | Narrative

What is narrative? And why should we care about it? How should you approach your narrative, narrator, and narrative exposition? How does narrative help with mood? And how does voice fit into this conversation? We discuss how the depth of your narrative and voice changes your reader’s experience, no matter the genre!

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SWRT 145 | Plot Problems…Solved! part 2

SWRT 145 | Plot Problems…Solved! part 2

How should you mirror your Act one and Act three? And why should they be related? What tools does that help you access? Remember your inciting incident doesn’t have to be one climactic moment, but your protagonist must have a choice! How should you develop your character with plot in mind? And what if you are writing a very interior or quiet journey?

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SWRT 143 | Starting Again with Leeland Artra

SWRT 143 | Starting Again with Leeland Artra

What caused Leeland’s break from writing? And what is the problem of the allure of the new and different? Why do we struggle to just write the next book in the series? What was the impetus behind Leeland’s return to writing? And what are some tips Leeland has for streamlining your marketing so you can have more time for your writing?

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SWRT 141 | Workshopping Act I

What can workshopping your novel with an editor do for you as a writer? What are Kathryn’s issues with Act One? And what does your reader truly need to know about your world and characters? Make sure you zoom out and look at the big picture of what you are trying to achieve with Act One.

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About the Hosts

Alida Winternheimer is the author of The Skoghall Mystery Series, A Stone’s Throw, and The Story Works Guide to Writing Fiction Series. She further pursues her fervor for all things story as a writing coach and developmental editor. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her Golden Retriever, Seva the Wonder Dog. She camps, bikes, and kayaks in her free time. Unless it’s winter, in which case she drinks chai by the fire. You can find more at
Kathryn Arnold writes fantasy and anything else that sparks her creativity from her home in Kingston, Washington. She currently earns her living as an insurance underwriting assistant, where she also creates marketing and web copy. When not writing, she plays (and teaches) piano and keyboard in a band (or two), and is working on starting a ministry team with her husband. You can find Kathryn at
Robert Scanlon
Robert Scanlon was born in Australia, but whisked off to England when only a baby. After many years complaining about the weather, he did the sensible thing and moved back to Australia. Despite a career in the music industry, followed by decades teaching public speaking, Robert is an introvert who adores reading. Robert grew up on a diet of sci-fi masters, eventually discovering he had read the library’s entire science fiction section. Now he has to write his own. Robert is the author of Constellation, book one of the Blood Empire space opera series. Find out more at
Robert Scanlon
Former co-host, Matt Herron, was a member of SWRT from episode 1 through episode 17.

Matt is the author of The Auriga Project, a scifi thriller, Scrivener Superpowers, a how-to book for writers, and the forthcoming Tales of the Republic, a serialized novel set in a specualtive future. He also founded the Indie Author Society, an organization that offers community and support for indie authors. When he’s not bending words to his will, Matt likes to climb mountains, throw a frisbee for his Boxer mutt, Elsa, and travel to expand his mind. Learn more about him and his books at

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