Raising the Stakes | November 2, 9:00 – noon Central
Weaving Together Character, Plot, & Theme | November 23, 9:00 – noon Central
Writing Backstory into Your Now-Story | December 7, 9:00 – noon Central
or register for each workshop separately, $50 each.
Raising the Stakes
In this 3-hour, live, creative writing workshop, we will develop methods for increasing our reader’s anxiety–in a good way!
The power of any story lies in how effective it is at making a reader feel something with or for its characters. In this workshop, we’re going to play with fear.
Sometimes we need our character to be scary. Or get into a scary situation. Even if we’ve been there ourselves, it’s a challenge to convey fear across the page and really make a reader feel it. It can be especially challenging to create a fearful, intense, creepy, or dark scene when we all know it’s going to work out just fine for our hero–she is the HERO, after all! A master storyteller will have readers scared just the same.
Weaving Together Character, Plot, & Theme
In this 3-hour, live, creative writing workshop, we will examine the relationship between character, plot, and theme.
Every writer gets asked that age old question: What is it about?
We’re going to turn that dread question into our best friend and one of the sharpest tools in our writing toolbox.
We will:
If you don’t have a current work-in-progress to play with during class, don’t worry. Writing prompts will give you avenues work with as we develop our storycraft together!
If theme has ever seemed mystifying, one of those story things that may…or may not…appear as you write, no more! You’ll leave this workshop with the knowledge and tools to get theme working for your characters, your plot, and YOU!
Writing Backstory into Your Now-Story
In this 3-hour, live, creative writing workshop, we will explore the role of backstory in novel writing. How does it affect not only your protagonist’s motivation, but your plot?
Backstory is not merely information about your hero’s past. It must have an immediate, even urgent, bearing on your plot’s present moment to deserve the ink it takes to write it into the story.
There are 3 methods for incorporating backstory into your now-story. We’ll practice all of them during the workshop.