SWRT 003 | Genre Series: Dark Fiction with Lisa von Biela
We welcome special guest, Lisa von Biela, to the Story Works Round Table this week to launch a series on genre fiction. Lisa has numerous dark, horror, speculative stories published, primarily with Dark Fuse. We talk about inspiration, plotting, and the twists of...Flash Tip: Hyper Reality
This week, we talk about the problem with getting too real in your fiction, and some of the tools you have to avoid hyper reality and to keep your story moving...SWRT 002 | Introduction to Point of View
In this week’s episode we discuss point of view.
SWRT 001 | Dialogue | How it’s different from speaking; how it advances your story
How is dialogue in fiction different from real life? When should you use exposition versus dialogue? And how do you use your dialogue to move your story forward? When do you use dialogue to communicate information or explain things? And when should you shy away?