SWRT 179 | Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop

SWRT 179 | Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop

You’re invited to the annual MPWW student reading, Beyond Bars: Voices of Incarceration. This year’s event is being held on Zoom, Saturday, October 24, 2020, 7:30 p.m. Central. Use the links below to register. Register for MPWW's Annual Reading     VIDEO Students...

SWRT 176 | Continuity

Why is continuity so important? And what opportunities does it present you as an author? How can continuity be tracked through your manuscript? And what should you track? What things within your manuscript help maintain continuity?

SWRT 170 | The Art of Oral Storytelling part 2

SWRT 169 | Oral Storytelling with Molly McCloy part 1

What is oral storytelling? And how does one craft a story for oral presentation? Molly McCloy takes us through her process, how she got into oral storytelling in the first place, and how she uses humor to keep her audience engaged. This is part one of our conversation, make sure to come back next week to check out part two, where we dive even deeper into the craft of oral storytelling.

SWRT 168 | Corona Check In

How are we all doing when it comes to the ever-evolving world situation? We chat about our productivity, whether or not we feel we should be speaking into these situations, and how we are handling our inputs versus outputs. In the end, we all agree to just keep writing!

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