SWRT 109 | Plausibility

How do you craft a story where readers buy the implausible? Does every genre have to deal with this issue? What tools can you use in your character, plot, and world-building to keep your reader engaged in the story? When do your genre conventions help your plausibility? And when can they hurt it?

SWRT 105 | Talking Fantasy with Nico Taranovsky

SWRT 105 | Talking Fantasy with Nico Taranovsky

How did Nico get into writing fantasy? And what is the history of this genre? How would you write a classic fantasy story today? And should you have a distinct good versus evil plot? We dive into types of fantasy stories, starting with the Portal/Quest fantasy and how to immerse your reader, without losing them!

SWRT 102 | Prewriting Theme with Mike Stop Continues

SWRT 102 | Prewriting Theme with Mike Stop Continues

This week, Alida, Kathryn welcome Mike Stop Continues back to the show to discuss prewriting theme. We cover:  why you should find your theme before you write, why themes that are too timely are no good,  being human, the role of the character arc in theme, how does...

SWRT 101 | Using Reveals to Advance Your Story

What is the reveal? And how do you craft one? How do you introduce intrigue artfully? And when should you follow that intrigue with the reveal? Remember your reveal must be worth the emotional investment of the reader!

SWRT 096 | Should Your Story Be Told in Parts?

How are parts used in novel structure? How do parts function? And when do you want to use them? We discuss how different genre’s use parts and how to ensure you don’t use them in the wrong ways!

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