You’re invited to the annual MPWW student reading, Beyond Bars: Voices of Incarceration. This year’s event is being held on Zoom, Saturday, October 24, 2020, 7:30 p.m. Central. Use the links below to register.




Students in an MPWW classroom.







This episode previously aired as episodes 129 and 130.

What is the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop? How did it begin? And what is it like to go into a state prison (in MN) and teach writing? What genre does MPWW teach? And how does it help writers? What kind of community has grown out of MPWW’s work within the prison system?

To make a donation or check out MPWW check out

We Are All Criminals SEEN project profile and writing of an MPWW student.

What we talked about:

Alida tells us a little bit about MPWW (Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop). (1:42)

Jen gives us some context for the conversation about MPWW. (5:11)

What is the origin of MPWW? (7:20)

What is it like to go into a state prison and teach writing? Was it a surprise how rewarding it was? (8:30)

What kind of students are attracted to MPWW? (13:46)

What genre’s do MPWW students participate in? (16:14)

How do you help writers find their voice? (18:15)

Zeke’s story, and how it impacted MPWW (and vice versa). (20:53)

How have the prison communities changed in response to MPWW? (23:46)

Notes from part 2:

Do writers take emotional risks in their writing? Do they pull from their own experiences? (0:40)

How do you form a supportive a writing community? (3:01)

How has the DOC responded to the program? Have they become more receptive to the program? (6:25)

Community involvement with MPWW. (10:30)

What misconceptions do you encounter? (16:55)

What is decarcerating? (19:58)

What does MPWW need? How could you get involved even if you aren’t in the Twin Cities? (23:12)

Jennifer Bowen Hicks

MPWW Instructors & Mentors




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