In this week’s Story Works Round Table, Alida, Kathryn, and Robert discuss flawed heroes, and how you create a believable hero who still has room to grow.













How do you create a competent character who still has to grow? How do you utilize motivation to create plausibility? And how do you develop flaws that help your character keep their competence?

What we talked about:

How do you create a competent and strong character your reader can root for, who still has a long way to grow? (0:32)

Do we understand why the character is making that choice? (3:29)

What about when the character can only see one option? (4:50)

Don’t make it too easy for your main character, use their flaws to your advantage. (7:08)

How to develop interesting flaws. (9:32)

They can be competent throughout, but their competency can’t be ruined or questioned in climactic moments. (16:02)





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