In this week’s Story Works Round Table we bring you something a little bit different. Hop in and join Alida at a Q&A session, and then make sure to grab your seat at the next one!













How do you know if you’ve picked the right POV? Where is the balance between narrative and dialogue? And how do you handle POV switches in a multiple POV story? Alida answers all these and more in this Q&A session.

What we talked about:

What do you do when your POV character can no longer tell your reader what is going on? What is head hopping vs using your narrative voice? (1:08)

When do you need to fix your point of view? (4:48)

What is close third POV? And how does it contrast with first person POV? (7:24)

How do you know if you have the right number of subplots? (11:03)

Is there a balance between narrative and dialogue that you must hit in your story? (17:15)

What about multiple point of view? Can you switch between 1st and 3rd? (25:06)

What about when a point of view character needs to hold things back from the reader? (28:17)

What is the difference between narrator and point of view? And multiple point of view? (31:45)

How do you convey character importance if you don’t use them as a point of view character? (39:35)

What are some different ways to highlight a detail you want to flag as important to a reader? (45:00)





Things we mentioned:

True Grit by Charles Portis 
Game of Thrones by George RR Martin 
Downton Abbey

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