This week, Alida, Robert, & Kathryn take a new approach to the end of the year. Instead of assessing the year past & making plans for the year ahead, they discuss ways to balance writing with life. What does it mean to be a creative person in a busy world? How do you prioritize not only your writing, but yourself when there are so many other demands on your time and energy? Does valuing your own creativity help you show up in the world a better person? And so much more!










If you haven’t heard the first part of this conversation, check it out here!

How can you reset your creative motivation when it has fallen to the wayside? How can you balance your life to give yourself the most willpower for your creative pursuits? And where do you need to re-evaluate your life and your habits? In the end, it’s all about finding the balance that works for you, your life, and your creative goals!

What we talked about:

How can you reset yourself when you fall away from your routines? (0:56)

What were our challenges this year? And how are we confronting them? (3:47)

Do you need to revitalize a part of your life in order to help your creative self? (9:40)

Where do you need to re-evaluate your life to help your creativity? (16:06)

Find out what works for you! (17:45)




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