Going Up? Stakes & Tension

In this week’s Word Essential 60 Second Writing Tip, Alida defines stakes and tension. She explains how they work together to affect both your character and your reader.

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POV Stranglehold

  In this week's Word Essential 60 Second Writing Tip, Alida discusses a common problem writers have with point of view. She calls it the POV stranglehold. It happens when the POV chokes off the narrative voice. Alida shows you how...

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  https://youtu.be/W__B4IagbCY In this week's Word Essential 60 Second Writing Tip, Alida discusses continuity. What it is. Why you need it. And what happens to readers if you don't have it! Enjoy the video. It was made on location, so what it lacks in polish it...

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Fight Scenes

We’re putting up our dukes and taking on the special challenge of writing fight scenes. Alida gives you specific instructions along with a sample scene.

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Navel Gazing: Characters Who Think Too Much

  Navel gazing might be a fun pastime for you, but don't let your characters do it! Alida warns writers of characters who think too much. It creates problems for your story you might not even be aware of, until it's too late for your...

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Pacing and Action Scenes

Pacing and Action Scenes

Alida explains how to avoid creating drag in the pacing of your action scene while still managing to embody your character. She provides an example and breaks it down in this video with a 60 Second Writing Tip.

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I'm Alida
I help people express their gifts to the world.

I do not believe in formulas. I believe that the stories we are compelled to tell the world make demands on us, and it is our privilege to meet those demands in order to reach the most people in the most authentic and compelling way possible.

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